

Note also that West follows this long sentence with a very short one.Using free modifiers to build complex sentences is better than using bound modifiers, which require the reader to hold multiple phrases in suspension until they reach the end of the sentence.Tufte, however, rarely shows us examples of bad writing.Not an apartment in back.With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias.My two shoes waiting beside the bed.Nobody to shake a stick at.Nobody’s garbage to pick up after.Only a house quiet as snow, a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem.If you are doing NaNoWriMo, the final week is coming up.Give yourself permission to take a breather if that’s what you need.If you are still going strong, though, keep writing away and see how much you can get accomplished this week.I’m cheering for you!A Novelist’s Guide to Revision, is rooting for you to succeed too.Scofield is a warm and encouraging guide through the wilderness of the revision process.You can’t do everything at once, she reassures us.And you can’t shrivel with fear thinking about the challenges ahead.You have to do the task in front of you, and then the next one.You’ll get there by sheer doggedness.Perseverance is the best friend of talent. Amen!You have to know how it ends.You have to know what it means. Scofield’s process in The Last Draft is to lead you on a discovery mission through your story.You’ll keep stepping back from the story and then zooming in to specific scenes.Write a document that describes your love of your story.Reflect on the work you have done and all you have accomplished.Restate your resolution.Respect the process that is taking you forward. I heartily endorse this exercise.As Scofield says, Don’t skip this step!In terms of craft, The Last Draft will also teach you quite a bit.Summary can be used to open or link scenes in a sequence .They end up suffocating action with backstory.You need to tell it.This is the right time to do so.It has a consequence, emotional or physical, for the character.

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Last-modified: 2022-06-28 (火) 00:55:12 (828d)