I have given it a lot of thought and I can't understand why you would think it so important to have a pic of me. The next thing that bugs me is, instead of simply replying to me directly, why do you feel the need to post your reply instead on your personal blog? That's part of what makes me think twice about sending you my picture. Once it's outta my hands I have no control over what happens to it, who sees it, etc.

Alan still can't reply to me, by the way. Still playing the cowardly role I see......Still just looking to scheme a few bucks out of his loyal following too, I suppose.

Anyway, I don't know what the fuck to do anymore. To take a couple pages out of his book, I am most definitely Mode Four these days, no question about it.

Please reply when you can (directly), it'd be much appreciated, as has all the help you've tried to give me thus far. Thanks.

I still can't understand Mode One and I'm very close to the brink of giving up on it - and I hate giving up on anything, under normal circumstances.

I don't reply directly because it is much more convenient to post answers on my blog, so I don't get the same questions from a million different people. As for your picture, I told you that I wouldn't post it. Either way, I'm not going to beg you for it, as I am not the one asking for help.

And I believe that you left me a voicemail asking why I don't answer my phone or whatever. I don't answer it because there is a degree of privacy that I like to keep between my personal life and my readers. I prefer not to have people calling my phone.

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