Much nicer site!

I’m not one for celebrity gossip stories, but the abuse in the Woods case and how it has been ignored has stuck in my mind.

What if Tiger Woods found out his wife was sleeping around, then bruised up her face, then chased her to her car with a golf club and then began beating on his car with it.

People would be screaming to have him arrested. Yet, Woods’ wife did all of those things and nobody seems disturbed by that double standard.

Mike says:

December 1, 2009 at 8:51 pm Nice new place. Lots of room. Good new pic, but will take a while getting use to.

Kat Wilder says:

December 1, 2009 at 10:23 pm Thanks, VJ. I’m still trying to figure out WordPress, CSS, blah-blah-blah. This is freedom!?!

Yes, well, Honey, give me time, give me time; racy will come. I, too, couldn’t care less about celebrity. My real question is, why we presume we “know” celebrities, you k2021-05-28 (金) 00:04:30

Dads — Thank you! thanks for stopping by. As I said to Honey (and I’m still figuring out how to reply here, good lord!), my interest isn’t in Tiger or his wife or any of the lot; I just wonder why we think we “know” anyone by reading about them in the media. I don’t even know you guys!!! (except, yeah, I actually met you, so in this case …)

Steve — thanks for the nice words. We don’t know if anyone abused anyone, so let’s not jump the gun. I have no doubt women abuse men about as much as men abuse women, but, hey, innocent until proven guilty on this one, OK?

Mike — Thanks. The pic is, uh, a work in progress. My artist friend has agreed to give me a sly smile, and return my eyes to green (nicer color!) And maybe give me a wrinkle or two — I look too, uh, young! Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

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Last-modified: 2021-05-28 (金) 00:04:30 (1074d)