InterestedParty on March 31, 2009 4:21 am No need to hang your head. You gotta switch it up sometime. So what if it falls flat occasionally? And do what I do. Always blame the girl, LOL!

Roosh on March 31, 2009 4:59 am Also I noticed what is a mistake with one girl is not one with another. I can tell a sexist joke to one girl and she thinks i’m hilarious, and then tell it to another and she gets turned off. So do i just stop telling the joke if it fails just once? Hmmm

Roosh on March 31, 2009 5:02 am As for guys like GJ, I noticed an increase in keyboard jockeys floating around who read one book and then write like they are masters of game, criticizing random shit you drop in a post.

ichigo on March 31, 2009 1:04 pm I’m old school. I ask a girl out, I pay. It’s that simple. Not a control thing at all. From what I’ve read and seen of VK, he’s got some old school habits in him as well. AND she damn well best ‘pump fake’…

B to the E to the E on March 31, 2009 4:12 pm if she’s not interested in butsecks on the first date then don’t kid yourself. Abort. You’re too young to start lowering your standards.

Benedict Smith on March 31, 2009 5:42 pm for me, sexist jokes only work if you’ve established that you’re an asshole while she was clearly listening in then used that as a way to non-overtly (so she thinks) talk to you. my most common rookie mistake is getting too drunk to maintain script and/or interest. the pre-emptive flakester bailout maneuver I subconsciously pull often as of late.

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